Meet Cheryl
After I graduated from college with a psychology degree and training to become an elementary school teacher, I decided that business would provide me the opportunity I craved for achievement and headed full throttle into the challenging and sometimes thrilling corporate world for 40 years, the last of 20 of which were at Gartner as Vice President, Executive Programs. I took a detour for several of those years as an interior designer but ultimately, returned to my corporate career. I was focused on some elusive goal as I climbed – and for a long while, my achievements fueled me.
Around 2007, feeling unhappy and knowing that something was missing, I embarked on a focused spiritual exploration to experience my True Nature--beyond and before all conditioning. I remain ever grateful to my beloved teachers, amongst whom are Adyashanti, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie and Mukti, all of whom I still follow. As a result of my spiritual studies and practices, while I still enjoyed my corporate career, my identity was no longer tied to it.
Then, in 2012, my world changed dramatically when my husband died suddenly and unexpectedly. As I moved through profound and sometimes debilitating, jagged grief, I slowly opened to exploring new areas and meeting many new people. I studied Continuum Movement, became interested in energetic healing modalities, and was certified as a Reconnective Healing practitioner and Reiki Master. While I remained centered in my spirituality, and am still so, it was firmly and directly, suggested to me that I needed to become grounded in my body and was pointed to Core Energetics. I attended a Core introductory course and I felt my energy literally, physically, move and shift. The instructor was so alive and real, and I wanted that! I felt freedom I had never felt and experienced deep and meaningful connections. From then on, I was totally in love and hooked. Here was a place that I could be authentic and bring every part of me, where I could be held and met. It was nothing I had ever experienced, and oh, so thrilling! I had experienced talk therapy before, but this went to places that my mind wasn’t aware of and could never possibly go. It was my body leading and teaching me, healing me. As I took deeper and deeper dives into the innate intelligence and wisdom of my own body and saw the same in my classmates, I witnessed their transformations as well as mine. I left my corporate career three months after I began, training to become a Core Energetics Certified Practitioner.
To see my clients’ transformations and to listen to them recount the impact of our work on their lives is incredibly fulfilling. I have experienced the life-affirming power of this body-centered therapeutic modality on myself and clients and I am inordinately passionate about bringing this to others. I invite you to this exploration of healing, life-changing, evolutionary work—to step into your own radiant aliveness.
I honor you in love and light,
Cheryl Musgrave
Education and Studies
Advanced Certified Core Energetics Practitioner, Institute of Core Energetics, New York, NY
Couples Mentor, Embodied Relationship Training
Quantum Healing with Angelic Light Frequencies, TNT Practitioner
Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts
Energy Healing and Sensing, Lynn Kreaden
Reconnective Healing, Certified Practitioner
Reiki Master, Certified
HeartMath Licensed Certified Trainer
BA, Psychology, California State University, Fullerton
Memberships and Affiliations
United States Association for Body Psychotherapy
Energy Medicine Professional Association
International Pathwork Organization
Board Member, Accreditation Council for Nutrition Professional Education